HealthTec Farm and Spa

A Division of Mantec Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd.



Membership Registration


  First Name Middle Name Last Name
Email ID
Spouse's Name
Father's/Husband's Name
Date of Birth*
Present Residence / Correspondence Address*
Phones (Atleast one)
Residence* Office
Marital Status
Anniversary Date
Name of accompanying Children with birth dates
Name of firm/Co./Govt. Dept* (If retired please specify last organization served)
Position Held*
Medical Problems: if any
Blood Pressure Heart Problem Thyroid Recent Surgery
Diabetes Epilepsy Gynee Problem Hormonal Imbalance
Others Please Specify
Name (s) of other Club(s) of which the proposed person is a Member
How did you find us?
Your Comments/ Queries
Fields Marked with * are required fields.

The Membership is subject to the Terms & Conditions of Membership/Rules and Regulation: Health Farm Rules, Regulations & Bye laws as in force form time to time.

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